
Well my life officially sucks. I did have a nice weekend at my Dad's. Although him, my stepmom, my pappaw, and my Aunt SueEllen are not in very good health. And neither am I. I still have no clue what is going on with me. Stupid doctors.... Anyway, I know, I promised to put more stuff up on this site. I just haven't had the time or energy to do it. I will get it done some time. My parents are selling their house and it breaks my heart. I love that house, and so do they. But they have 7 acres and neither of them are in good enough health to tend to it anymore. Anyway, I am going to shut up now and stop whining, and talk about something happy.
Has anyone else got the Motley Crue 2nd box set? Mine should be in the mail any day. I can't wait to get it. While I was at my Dad's I got to watch VH1 Classic. I saw some kick ass music. I really wish I had that station. It rocked. I hope everyone had a nice 4th.
Posted by leppardlover1980
at 10:53 PM CDT